© 2004 Buddy L Museum
www.buddyltruck.com the world's largest buyer of antique Buddy L Toys and trucks.   Several Buddy L
trucks are worth thousands of dollars email us for a free confidential appraisal We're also the
country's several thousand of dollars for any Buddy L Dump truck,
Buddy L Steam Shovel or Buddy L
Wrecker in excellent plus condition.   Your old Buddy L bus, trains, toys and trucks are important to
us, contact us today. If you have an American-National
dump truck or early Kingsbury toy cars for sale
please E-mail limited to;
Steelcraft Toy Trucks, any prewar Keystone Packard Dump truck and all
original sets of old
Buddy L trains regardless of condition.  Buddy L Museum "the most trusted name
in pressed steel toys" Buying buddy l toys buying buddy l trucks buying buddy l cars old buddy l trains
Free Appraisals ~ Vintage Space Toys ~ Buddy L Trucks ~ Kingbury Cars
Buddy L Trucks ~ Buddy L Trains ~ Buddy L Cars ~ Buy ~ Sell ~ Trade
Sturditoy Truck ~ Vintage Space Toys & Tin Toy Robots ~ Steelcraft Toy Trucks
Free Appraisals ~ Buddy L Museum paying 50%-90% more than eBay, antique dealers & toys shows. We are the
largest collectors buy and sell toys for over half a century If you need advice restoring, selling or appraising your
Buddy L toys or Buddy L trucks contact us today Continually looking to purchase original condition Sturditoy &
Keystone toy trucks produced before world war ll.  Buying ~ Keystone ~ Sturditoy ~ Buddy L ~  Steelcraft ~ Kingbury ~
Buddy L Wrecker for sale?.  We are the country's oldest & largest buyer of prewar old toy trucks manufactured in North
America prior to 1948.   If you have an antique
Buddy L toy truck or large old Sturditoy truck for sale contact us through
our user web form above or e-mail pictures directly to Toys@BuddyLTruck.com
Buddy L Museum a name you can trust
Other old toy trucks and
Buddy L toys not listed are also important to us as are most Steelcraft toy trucks and Sturditoy
To view your favorite Buddy L Toy Trains please visit www.BuddyLTrains.com or click on any of the links marked Buddy
L Trains the
Buddy L Museum photo galleries offers collectors a chance to see their favorite old toy trucks and Buddy L
toy trains displayed along with several original examples of rare and unique examples produced by the
Buddy L factory
catalogs and Buddy L advertising material wanted. Also seeking postcards depicting Buddy L & Sturditoy toys
To apply for membership in the Buddy L Museum applicants must own at least 3 prewar Buddy L Toys or tin toy trucks
Other antique toy trucks will be considered on an individual basis  ~ Contact the Buddy L Museum for more information
If you have an antique  Buddy L Road Roller or large yellow Buddy L Baggage Truck for sale contact us today.  Also
seeking to buy any
Buddy L Aerial Ladder truck or large black Buddy L dump truck in non-restored original condition
Buddy L Museum helping buy sell and trade Buddy L Trucks and Buddy L Toys for almost half a century. Contact us
Buddy L Museum helping Buddy L collectors since 1968.   Your antique Buddy L Trains and trucks can be worth a
small fortune. To find out more information regarding the value of your
Buddy L truck or other antique toy truck contact
Buddy L Museum through our web user form located above.    Numerous Buddy L Toys are worths thousands of
dollars To find out if your
Buddy L toy is valuable email a few photos of all toys in question.    Presently paying up to
thirty five hundred dollars for any
Buddy L or Sturditoy wrecker in nine plus condition or better.  Before selling your
large old toy trucks or trains to anybody else email the
Buddy L Museum for a free confidential appraisal  
1925 Sturditoy Armored truck wanted for immediate purchase. We are the world's number one buyer of Sturidtoy trucks
Buddy L Toys made in the U. S. A.     Our museum has been awarded the Buddy L Toy honor of merit for it's
continual contributions to the pressed steel toy industry.     The
Buddy L Toy company founded by Fred Lundahl in
early 1900's  no longer exists.  However at the
Buddy L Museum we constantly strive to keep Mr's Lundahl's dreams
alive through several measures including web design and photographs depicting the entire line of antique Buddy L toys
and big
Buddy L Trucks
Page Links
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Include Photos
Toys Wanted
E-mail Photos or Description to:
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Buddy L Fire Truck ~ Buddy L Dump Truck ~ Sturditoy ~ Keystone ~ Robots
Sturditoy ~ Keystone ~ Buddy L ~ Steelcraft ~ Kingsbury Toy Bus ~ Trucks
Free Appraisals Buddy L Museum paying 50%-90% more than eBay, antique dealers & toys shows. rare vintage space toys appraisals, ebay antique toys, buddy l expresss truck appraisals, We are the largest buyer of antique Buddy L Trucks & Vintage Space Toys in the U S A Also buying vintage Japan space toys, buddy l toys for sale, buddy l trucks for sale, vintage space toys for sale
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Highest prices paid vintage space toys
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Buying Vintage Space Toys
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© 2004 - © 2020 Buddy L Museum
Buddy L Trucks Identification Guide
Buying Antique German Tin Toys
Buddy L Toys Reference Guide & Information
1920's Buddy L Truck Value Guide
Toy Appraisal, Free Toy Appraisal, Toy Appraisals, Free Toy Appraisals, Appraise My Toy, Appraiser Near Me, Toy Appraiser, Toy Appraiser Near Me, Antiuqe Toy Appraiser, Buddy L Truck Values, Buddy L Flivver, Buddy L Truck For Sale, Price Guide, Information, Pressed Steel Toys, ebay, Antique Toy Appraisals
Buddy L Museum buying vintage American toys, antique german tin toys, japan tin toys, american cast iron toys and trucks, Buddy L Trucks wanted highest prices paid
Buying Buddy L Trucks, Buying rare vintage toys, vintage tin toys for sale, antique toys Free toy appraisals German tin toys Vintage American toys cast iron tin pressed steel, Buying Japanese tin toys Free Toy Value Guide
Buying antique toys, buying vintage toys, America's Largest Buyer of Buddy L Trucks Free Toy Appraisals Free Antique Toy Appraisals ~ Pictures ~ Information ~ Buddy L Museum America's largest buyer of vintage toys Cars Trucks Boats Planes Trains Robots
Pressed Steel Toys ~ Buddy L Trucks ~ Free Price Guide